「Join the club!」こんな表現、聞いたことはありますか。TOEICのリスニングのPart 2に出てきそうなフレーズです(笑)直訳すると「クラブに入会しろ」という命令形になりますが、カジュアルな場面ではこんな使い方をします〜
It’s a casual phrase, used after someone has described a bad situation that they are in, to tell them that you are in the same situation. You can also use it to say that you and a lot of other people are in the same situation.
A: I don’t have time to exercise in the morning.
B: Join the club.
A: We have to stay at the airport tonight because our flight was cancelled due to the weather.
B: Join the club! us too!